I can hear her scratching at my bedroom door.She moans, as if her soul is coming out of her little body. The screeching, as if her wrists were being cut, not by her own will. She tries to peer though the key hole by my fancy door knob. She pulls, trying to pry my heavy, wooden door, with her little delicate fingers. How did I get myself into this? Why must I evaluate and investigate everything the seems out of the ordinary? My name is Jone Reads, and this is my story...
It all started when I was about five or six. It was my birthday. My aunt Milly decided to invite me to stay at her house for a whole week. I was so excited. Lizzy, my aunt's stepdaughter, and I never really got along. But in my aunt's eyes, we were a perfect set of best friends. As you could probably tell, Lizzy wasn't too fond of my soon fate. She had two choices at this point, become my favourite cousin, or make my week a living hell. She chose living hell.
As the days went by, the numbers on my countdown turned into single digits. Finally all of my waiting was over. My mum drove me to my aunts house. After insisting that she get home to make my father and 14 year old brother dinner, my mum sat down on my aunts new blue couch
with a cup of tea and a scone. My aunt argued with Lizzy about my sharing a room wit her, and
finally gave up and offered for me to stay in the guest bedroom. My mother insisted that I would be to scared to sleep for 6 nights by myself, but I wanted to be treated older like Lizzy and said that I would be fine. After my mother FINALLY left, we had dinner and I went up stairs to get changed in my pj's. As I was changing, I heard a noise. It was coming from a locked drawer on my aunt's dresser. I tried to open it but discovered that it was locked. I decided not to worry about it and to forget about it. Little did I know that that was now impossible. My fate was already sealed.
As the hours passed by, I realised that I wasn't as brave as I thought. I found that I truly was too scared to sleep by myself for one night, let alone six nights. I finally got up my courage and closed my eyes and fell asleep. The next morning I calmly explained to my aunt that I wasn't alright with sleeping by myself in the guest bedroom. She offered to let me to sleep down stairs on the couch, if that would help, or for me to sleep with her and my uncle Sam, or my mother could come and stay with us, or I could go home and call off the rest of the visit. Unfortunately, Lizzy overheard our conversation and started to tease me and call me a chicken and a baby. Tears started to fall on the hardwood floor of the kitchen from my face then my aunt calmed me down and scolded Lizzy. She started to cry too. Her mother sent her up to her room. As Lizzy ran up the stairs, she turned around and yelled "You better hope that Clair doesn't follow you home, even though it's already too late, she has already chosen you," she told me. Then she disappeared into the upstairs portion of the house.
I asked my aunt who Clair was. She sat me down on one of the bar stools seated by the island in the middle of the gigantic kitchen and started her story. She explained that Clair was her great grandmother's china doll. "When my she died she, Clair was passed down to my grandmother, then to my mum and then on my 10th birthday, to me. When your uncle Sam and I got married, I gave the doll to Lizzy for her 10th birthday. When she first got it, she loved it. She wouldn't go anywhere without Clair." She said. I asked if my mother knew about Clair, and she said yes. "She does know about Clair, but doesn't like to talk about her. She thinks that old china dolls are creepy. That's why I got Clair from our mother instead of her. She was supposed to get it, for she is the oldest, but she insisted that I would enjoy her more then she would. She was right."
I decided that I would call my mum and ask her if she could come and pick me up to take me home. "Maybe you'll feel better about staying longer when your older Joan?" I agreed with my aunt. As usual, my mother was late picking me up, and stayed for dinner after insisting that we get home. After dinner, I went upstairs to the guest bedroom to get my bags. When I first entered the room
I could feel that something was wrong but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. I opened the closet to take out my clothes and was startled and surprised to see the old china doll was sitting on top of my luggage. I was so scared. I could have sworn that I saw her blink. I just figured that Lizzy was trying to scare me by putting her there. I tried not to think about it and grabbed my bag and closed the closet door. Just before I left the room, I noticed that the locked drawer on the dresser was ajar. I decided not to worry about it, and proceeded down the stairs to meet
my mother and aunt.